
Sonia jones
Sonia jones

sonia jones sonia jones

READ MORE: Michael Roff, CEO of the Australian Private Hospitals Association (APHA) said he was pleased to welcome Sonia to the Council. Sonia will be representing the interests of the small independent not for profit facilities such as Lithgow Community Private. The private hospital sector treats 4.5 million patients a year, including treatment of a third of chemotherapy, 60 percent of all surgery, 74 percent of all elective musculoskeletal surgery and 80 percent of rehabilitation. The Australian Private Hospitals Association (APHA) is the peak industry body representing the private hospital and day surgery sector. Lithgow Community Private is a community owned, not for profit organisation that specialises in day surgery and specialist services across Lithgow, the Blue Mountains and the Central West and has agreements with the majority of Private Health Funds, the Department of Veterans' Affairs and Workers Compensation. "She will talk about important matters like private health quality, policy directions and advocacy to the Government on issues that affect our community," he said. In her role she will give the Lithgow community a voice in Canberra according to Chairman of Lithgow Community Private, Robert Swinton. With our yogurt business, we`ve proven to the world that we can compete with the behemoths.Lithgow Community Private's CEO Sonia Jones has been elected to the Council of the Australian Private Hospitals Association. People need to realize that there is a quality of life and of what you produce that can be achieved quite well away from the big cities, and it makes a lot of economic sense. But if the Eastern cities are any indication of what life is going to become, then I think it`s important to start a trend toward people moving to the country. We go to New York to drink in the things you can do there.

sonia jones

We enjoy travel quite a bit for that and other business reasons. But it can get lonely, in a way, at times. The people where we live are wonderful in a way different from the friends we have in other places. Some kids don`t ever see what their parents do for a living. There is a wonderful quote that says to love another is not to look each other in the eyes but to look down the road in the same direction. Some people would say, ''How can you stand it?'' but that`s never been an issue for us. I think our work has made our marriage even stronger. All they ever want to do is talk about the ill-treatment women receive, but there`s no show of support for a woman like myself who doesn`t ''fit in.'' And I`m afraid the women there are rather narrow-minded doctrinaire feminists. The men didn`t really like to have a woman charging ahead of them. We were proud of what we were doing.Īt the university, however, there was always this inference that because I was doing something in addition to my academic work, I couldn`t be doing my best academically, which wasn`t true at all. What kept us going all along were the compliments people gave us on the yogurt. But we came to the point where we had to decide whether we were going to let ourselves be limited or do this thing right. As long as I was in the kitchen making yogurt, it didn`t take any more equipment our overhead was nil. Our biggest business decision was early on, deciding whether to expand from our kitchen operation. The children were never the hard part at all. He would put the baby in the backpack and hold the other by the hand when they had to go to the barn and do chores.

sonia jones

I don`t think he ever felt he was doing nothing but changing diapers. And my husband has always been so actively involved with them and responsible for them. Too, we felt the country would be a safer place to raise the children. I didn`t want them to go to a day-care center. Raising them in the country has been a wonderful thing for all of us. I don`t talk about raising the two girls much in the book, juggling the business and parenting, I suppose because they were just always along as part of what was going on. And she is quite an achiever: She`s about to start university at age 15. But it`s amazing I see him in my oldest daughter in many ways. I didn`t treat my own children that way I felt it was too much of a responsibility for a child to have to grow up thinking like that. He died when I was fairly young, 21, and I suppose I`m either like him naturally or he inspired me.

Sonia jones